writer's block RSS

pitchable concept, slice-of-life, writer's block -

There is one simple trick to kill writer’s block, and that is to write. If you don’t know what to write, there is always one story you can tell, and that is the story of your own life. As the old saying goes, everyone in the world has one good story to tell. That story is their own experience as a human being. It is both as unique as a fingerprint (because nobody has ever lived exactly your life) and universal (because aspects of your human experiences are universally understandable to other human beings, i.e. the reader/audience). The wonderful thing...

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beats, character, cliche, scene, writer's block -

Sometimes the script doesn’t want to cooperate. You stare at the page and nothing comes. The scenes you’ve written all seem tired and obvious. You’re forty pages into the script, and going further feels like a chore. What happens next? You don’t know. Nothing clicks. It’s the condition commonly known as writer’s block. There is no easy cure. But it’s just a part of the process. Everyone hits these odd corners of development, and solving for them is what makes writing an art and a craft. Each instance of block is its own beast, unique to the script, the writer,...

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high-concept, pitch, writer's block -

Hanging out with friends, one of my favorite things to do is to just pitch around ideas. If you’re just drinking and relaxing, the ideas don’t have to be good; a lot of the fun comes from making everyone laugh with a really dumb-sounding idea. But at the same time, a lot of inspiration comes from those conversations. It’s like jamming with a garage band; there is no audience, so there is no pressure to be “good,” and thus there’s freedom to just noodle around, play, riff, try things out, and perhaps maybe kinda sorta trip over something good. When...

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